This site is set up to allow me to share information I have gathered through my years working in various occupations.
I haven’t actually got around to writing any of this information down yet, so here is a little bit about me for now:
I work for the local electric company as a Senior System Operator PJM as a Senior Trainer Senior Engineer Dispatcher. (That means I monitor ‘the grid.’)

I was previously a:
- waiter
- cook
- college student
- sailor
- submariner
- college student
- electronics technician
- nuclear reactor operator
- PLC technician/programmer
- college student (
12 years of college-down the drain! John Blutarsky
) - industrial electrician
- power system controller
- amateur web programmer
- professional web programmer
- engineer
- trainer
Also, (most importantly) I am a husband and father. You can ‘meet’ my family here.